The problems facing the United States under the Articles of Confederation provide a nullification lesson for today. When states refuse to cooperate, the central government can't get a whole lot done. (more…)
Read moreTwo Powerful Little Letters: NO!
I’ve never attended Mardi Gras, but I have experienced the pirate-themed mega-party known as Gasparilla in Tampa. And I watched a lot of people “breaking the law.” I witnessed hundreds of revelers drinking alcohol from open containers. I bumped into countless publicly intoxicated partiers. I even saw women exposing their breasts in exchange for 10..
Read moreNew Evidence: The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 Were All About Nullification
Nullification skeptics will often argue that the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 weren’t actually proposing nullification. They base their argument on the fact that John Breckinridge removed specific references to nullification from Jefferson’s draft before he introduced it in the Kentucky House. But evidence from the debates in the House reveals that the resolutions were absolutely..
Read moreSmashing Some Nullification Myths: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #144
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" If you learned anything about nullification in school, it's probably in relation to the Nullification Crisis of 1833. And if that's that's the case, you almost certainly learned several myths about nullification. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I give you an accurate historical overview of the events..
Read moreNullification Works! Even Drug Warriors Know It: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #135
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" During his confirmation hearing, U.S. Attorney General nominee William Barr basically admitted nullification works. He called the current system with states legalizing weed despite federal prohibition "backdoor nullification." In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about Barr's comments, the states' success in nullifying federal prohibition and what..
Read moreJames Madison’s Christmas Present
Resolutions drafted by James Madison and passed by Virginia on Dec 21. and 24, 1798, answer a timeless question: What do we do when the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds? (more…)
Read moreIowa Nullifies the U.S. Supreme Court: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #122
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" When it comes to the legal system, Americans make a federal case out of almost everything. But a guy in Iowa took a different route. When Iowa police violated his rights, he didn't run to the feds. He sued in state court under the Iowa Constitution. As a result, the..
Read moreMajor Kentucky Grocer Caught Selling Illegal Hemp
I recently spotted some illegal hemp products prominently displayed at my local grocery store. (more…)
Read moreJeff Sessions Is Just Like Rachel Maddow: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #104
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn't like nullification. He attacked the principles in recent statements about California's sanctuary state policies. In doing so, he sounded just like Rachel Maddow. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about it. I compare the ideas of Maddow and Sessions (there's..
Read moreAn Unconstitutional Act Is No Law at All
In a recent article, I made the case that the "gun people" need to steal a page out of the "weed people's" playbook and take action to nullify unconstitutional federal gun laws. State, local and individual action has effectively nullified federal marijuana prohibition in half the country. Heck, they’ve even nullified it in the federal..
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