"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" The Republicans still haven't gotten rid of Obamacare and they aren't going to. But there are things going on at the state level that could eventually undermine and replace the federal healthcare debacle. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey, I tell you about some exciting developments at the state..
Read moreThe Constitution Isn’t Silly Putty: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #102
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" A lot of people seem to think the Constitution is Silly Putty. The call it "malleable" and claim politicians can shape it into any form that fits the current political climate. They're wrong. In fact, the whole point of a written Constitution was to ensure that powers of government were..
Read moreThe 2nd Amendment Wasn’t For Hunters: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #101
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" The recent school shooting in Florida has reignited the debate on guns. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I wade into the fray and tackle a common myth related to the Second Amendment - this strange idea that it was never intended to allow people to own military..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #100: Ideology and the Constitution
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" After a seven month hiatus, Thoughts from Maharrey Head is back with episode #100! We all have ideologies. They help us make sense of a complex world and provide us with a lens through which we can evaluate events. But ideologies can get us in trouble when we become unable to..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #99: America’s First Immigration Debate
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about America's first immigration debate and what it reveals about federal power. Immigration ranks among the most contentious political issues in America today. Debates rage about "pathways to citizenship," building walls and blocking refugees. But Americans often ignore the most..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #98: Fourth of July Fireworks and Nullification
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about how my Independence Day fireworks experience demonstrates the power of nullification. Despite all of the successes we've had at the Tenth Amendment Center over the last few years, whenever I talk about nullification, somebody wants to argue, "It will..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #97: Centralized Government Is No Friend of Minorities
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about centralized government, slavery and discrimination. Conventional wisdom holds that national, centralized government protects the interests of minorities. This is a myth. In fact, the state has a long history of persecuting minority populations. A recent trip my wife and I..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #96: The States vs. the Federal Reserve
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about state action to undermine the Federal Reserve and the government's monopoly on money. Ron Paul mainstreamed the idea of "ending the Fed." Even today, we occasionally hear about efforts in Congress to audit the Federal Reserve and perhaps rein..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #95: Free Speech for Real
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about freedom of speech in light of Kathy Griffin's photo with Trump's severed head. Comedian Kathy Griffin sparked the brouhaha of the week when a picture of her holding the likeness of Pres. Trump's severed head surfaced. Social media went..
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #94: The Preamble to the Constitution
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about the preamble to the U.S. Constitution - what it tells us and what it doesn't. If you're an American, you're probably familiar with the preamble to the Constitution. In fact, you may well have memorized it at some point..
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