"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the bones. Why does it happen? Because it happens. Roll the bones. - Neil Peart I recently rediscovered the 1991 Rush album Roll the Bones, and I've had the title track rolling around in my head the last few days. It seemed eerily appropriate as twisters ripped..

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Thinking in a Box

Here's a fun game you can play during a meeting break or at a dreadfully boring party. Declare yourself a libertarian and start talking about the need to limit the role of government, and then see how long it take before somebody says, "Oh yeah? What about the roads!?!" I promise; it won't take long...

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Only Seeing Half the Story

People have an amazing ability to draw definitive conclusions while only considering one half of the equation. Political philosopher Frederic Bastiat wrote an entire collection of essays illustrating this reality - That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen In the department of economy, an act, a habit, an institution, a law, gives..

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Washington Times Endorses Nullification

I feel like I just stepped into the twilight zone. The Washington Times ran an editorial today supportive of state nullification of unconstitutional acts! And they got the history right to boot! I felt like I was reading my own talking points. Early in our history, nullification was also prominently used by free states to..

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Maybe the Problem is the Rope!

The political process in the U.S. resembles a giant game of tug-o-war. On one side, we have team blue. On the other, team red. The two opponents battle endlessly for control of the rope. The Republicans implore Americans to pull for team red. On the other side, Democrats encourage bystanders to jump in and tug..

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The Constitution means what it means!

Many Americans treat the Constitution like a moving target. Recently, I've faced opposition to various constitutional arguments falling into two broad categories. 1. Those who embrace the "living breathing" philosophy. These folks generally believe the constitution was meant to "flex" with the times. They will still hold fast, even tenaciously, to certain constitutional principles, but..

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Monopoly: Good Board Game, Bad Politics

My wife manages a store for the country’s largest grocery chain. Kroger raked in over $90 billion in sales during fiscal year 2012. The company employees some 339,000 people and runs more than 3,000 stores, either directly or through its subsidiaries. Now imagine for a moment Kroger was granted a total monopoly on grocery sales..

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Foundational Principles

It takes about 37 seconds of involvement in the political process to realize that most of the players don't root their actions in any principles. Or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that pragmatism is their principle. By and large, politics is all about seizing, consolidating and holding on to power. That's why..

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Trying Times

I'm an optimist by nature. Even so, sometimes I become discouraged and frustrated. Activism certainly has its ups and downs, and the downs can become downright disillusioning. I had one of those nights earlier this week. I spoke at an event, passionately presenting the blueprint for rolling back overreaching federal power through nullification at the..

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