"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

I Hate Monopolies! Now Give Me A Monopoly!

Americans hate monopolies. Except when they don’t. Consider this Facebook post I ran across taking a free-market advocate to task. Under the system you propose, trillionaires would be created by default. No reasons, crappy or otherwise would be needed. We'd ditch our anti-trust anti-monopoly law because those require a pretty strong central government to investigate..

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Constitution 101: The Bill of Rights

I was originally planning on looking at the Second Amendment this week, but it occurred to me that we should examine the Bill of Rights more generally before digging into specific provisions. Adding a declaration of rights to the Constitution was a condition of ratification for several states, and five state ratification documents included specific..

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Step Off the 3×5 Card of Acceptable Opinion

I've noticed a lot of Americans have a complete inability to consider any idea that falls outside of the 3x5 index card of acceptable opinion. (Thank you Tom Woods for that vivid metaphor!) When confronted with a concept that strays beyond what they consider "mainstream," I find that many people recoil reflexively. I hear things..

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Don’t Be an A-Hole

In order to have a functioning free society, its members must live responsibly and treat each other with basic civility. Critics of conservatives and libertarians often charge that they don’t really care about anybody else and that they exhibit an “I’ll do whatever I want, damn the consequences,” mentality. Sadly, some seem bound and determined..

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Constitution 101: War Powers

Over the last several weeks, we’ve looked at the “general welfare,” “necessary and proper,” and “commerce” clauses, three constitutional provisions often used by progressives to expand federal power, and we established what those clauses actually mean. While liberal constitutional interpreters abuse those clauses, scholars and politicians have utterly disregarded the proper understanding of war powers...

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Smash the Frame!

In the wake of the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision, I wrote a blog post for the Tenth Amendment Center arguing that the opinion doesn't warrant celebration. To you conservatives in celebration mode as you dissect the overlords’ opinion on religious beliefs and health insurance mandates, you might want to pause for just a moment..

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Constitution 101: The Commerce Clause

This week, we continue looking at constitutional clauses often misconstrued to give the government more power than intended. Two weeks ago, we started with the general welfare clause, and last week we followed up with the necessary and proper clause. This week, we will take up probably the clause most often used to justify federal..

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