"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

America Embraces Tyranny it Fought to Reject

Americans fought a long, bloody war to free themselves from a tyrannical government, only to eventually embrace the very system they struggled to throw off. That may seem like a stinging indictment, but careful examination of U.S. governance today reveals that it rests on essentially the same philosophical foundation as the 18th century British system..

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Turning the Constitution into a Campaign Slogan

If you hang around in Republican circles, it won’t take long before you hear the term “constitutional conservative.” Republicans like to hold themselves up as the torchbearers for America’s founding principles. They fancy themselves true patriots, in contrast with those rascally Democrats who “hate America.” But as much as they talk about the Constitution, a..

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Planned Parenthood Funding Unconstitutional; So is Republican Defunding Plan

One of the great debates over the last few weeks has centered around Republican attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. The brouhaha started with the release of a series of undercover videos produced by anti-abortion activists that appeared to prove the organization sells fetal tissue. That prompted conservatives to call on Congress to defund Planned Parenthood...

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