Anyone wondering about my general antipathy toward the state need look no further than the circus surrounding gay marriage licenses in Kentucky. The two sides squared off against each other in the Great Kentucky County Clerk Gay Marriage License Debate seem diametrically opposed and impossibly divided by a yawning, unspannable chasm. But at their core,..
Read morePodcast: How to Limit the Federal Government
In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I tell you how we can limit federal power based on James Madison's blueprint. The federal government exercises seemingly unlimited authority and inserts itself into virtually every area of our lives. But the feds were never meant to have this kind of power. As James Madison asserted..
Read moreConstitution 101: Constitutional Interpretation – Living and Breathing is Dead
The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it.” –James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, Circa, 1790 Many Americans today view the Constitution as a “living, breathing” document. By living and breathing, they mean the Constitution was written..
Read morePodcast: Nullification, Slavery and Segregation; Not what You Think
In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about nullification, slavery and segregation. Opponents of nullification love to slap down the race card as a way to discredit Madison and Jefferson's principles without having to actually engage in an intellectual debate. They call us "neo-confederates" and imply that we must harbor racist motives...
Read morePodcast: The Pledge of Allegiance
In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about the Pledge of Allegiance. We've said the words thousands of times. We know them by rote. "I pledge allegiance to the flag..." But does the Pledge of Allegiance actually represent an accurate vision of the United States? Or is it communicating something altogether different..
Read morePodcast: Al Sharpton’s Dumb Idea
In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about Al Sharpton’s dumb plan to federalize policing. The Reverend Al Sharpton has come up with a solution for the problem of the use of excessive force by cops. He wants a police monopoly. What a great idea, right? I mean, everybody knows that when..
Read morePodcast: Don’t Fear the Feds
In episode 10 of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I explain why we shouldn't fear the "big bad" federal government. In last week's edition of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talked about the power of state refusal to cooperate with the federal government. It works, and provides us with a powerful tool to stop federal overreach..
Read morePodcast: Jefferson and Madison’s Blueprint to Stop Unconstitutional Federal Acts
In episode #8 of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I delve into some long forgotten history and talk about the blueprint Thomas Jefferson and James Madison gave us to stop unconstitutional federal overreach. In 1798, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison penned the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, laying out the principles of nullification for the first time...
Read morePodcast: My Personal Political Odyssey
In Episode #7 of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I share a little about my own personal political odyssey. For most of my life, I did politics like most Americans. I focused almost all of my attention on national issues and political races. But in April 2009, everything began to change, and I came to realize..
Read morePodcast: Arizona Newspaper Columnist is the Butt of Her Own Joke
In episode 4 of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I tell you all about a newspaper columnist who is the butt of her own joke. A columnist for the Arizona Republic knows how to snark. She knows how to belittle those she disagrees with. And she thinks she knows about the Constitution and law. But really,..
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