In the wake of two bank failures, on Sunday, March 12, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury announced a bank bailout program that could be dubbed “QE Lite.” While not actually quantitative easing, it will have similar impacts on the financial system and could open the door to bigger bond-buying programs down the road...
Read moreFed Pumping Up Money Supply at Record Speed to Monetize Massive U.S. Debt
The federal government continues to borrow and spend at a staggering rate. On March 1, the national debt pushed above $28 trillion for the first time. This rate of borrowing wouldn't be possible without the Federal Reserve monetizing the debt through quantitative easing. In practice, the central bank buys U.S. Treasuries on the open market,..
Read moreTrump Is Setting Himself Up as a Fall-Guy: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #120
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" To hear Donald Trump and his Republican supporters tell it, the economy is booming because of wildly successful Trumpanomics. But I think Trump is setting himself to take the fall when the bubble eventually bursts. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I explain why. LISTEN You can subscribe..
Read moreTrumpanomics: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #105
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" I hear a lot of Republicans in general, and Trump supporters in particular, talking about how great the economy is. The problem is it's not that great and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Or Barack Obama In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about..
Read moreWant Economic Justice? Break the Federal Monopoly on Money
We hear a lot about income equality in the U.S., but very little about the actual root cause of wealth redistribution - government monetary policy. Through quantitative easing - essentially money printing - the Fed enriches bankers and the political elite while stealing wealth from everyday Americans via currency debasement. Since the creation of the..
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