“10 Minutes Closer to Freedom”

The limited government Republicans have gone the way of the anti-war left. They can’t be bothered with the Constitution because they are in control now. There are walls to build and liberty to impose. On this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about it.


Thoughts from Maharrey Head focuses on constitutional issues and political decentralization. When you’re finished listening, you’ll be 10 minutes closer to freedom!

You can subscribe to Thoughts from Maharrey Head for free on iTunes. Just click HERE.


Free E-Book: The Power of No!: The Historical and Constitutional Basis for State Nullification

Constitution 101: Executive Powers

Is a Presidential State of Emergency Constitutional? 

The Constitution and the Use of the National Emergencies Act to Build the Border Wall

Was the Bill of Rights Meant to Apply to the States?

The Incorporation Doctrine and the Bill of Rights