“10 Minutes Closer to Freedom”

In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about political hypocrisy and selective moral outrage.

The aftermath of Donald Trump’s election has flipped the world on its head. People on the right have suddenly embraced the Russian bear. Meanwhile, progressives have turned into neoconservative warmongers who put absolute trust in the CIA.

I find the self-righteous finger-pointing at Trump by progressives particularly galling. Not because I defend Trump, but because these same people remained utterly silent while the politicians they support developed kill lists and bombed seven countries.

In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about this political hypocrisy and selective moral outrage.

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Three Reason I Don’t Care About the Russian Election Hacking Story

Peace Signs and Hillary Stickers

Hillary Clinton’s Neocon Resume

Free E-Book – “The Power of No!”